Thursday, January 3, 2013

Change of seasons

 The change of seasons assignment was pretty simple. Its so easy to find pretty things to take pictures of in the winter. I like this particular photo because it has so much texture and the frost leaves are so clear.
Shutter Speed-1/ 125
FOcal Length- 45 mm
Flash- off
 This picture fits the seasons change theme perfectly. The ice is slowly forming, but there is still an open spot of water and the bubbles are forming like they would in the summer after we get a lot of rain.
Shutter Speed-1/125
Focal Length-45
Flash- off
 This is probably my favorite picture from this assignment. The ice formed really weird so it has nice texture. I also like the snow covered rocks and trees in the back ground.
Shutter Speed-1/100
Focal Length-28 mm
Flash- off 
 The main reason i like this picture is the colors. This is a picture of a bridge foundation by my house.
SHutter Speed-1/250
Focal Length-148
Flash- off
In this picture i like the sharpness of all the snow flakes and how the snow covered rock is vary clear but the trees in the back ground are blurry so its easy to focus on the main subject. 
Shutter Speed-160
Focal Length-18 mm
Flash- off

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